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Warm 溫暖 _350字

2018-06-22 來源:作文網(wǎng)整理

    There is an old lady who lives next to my house, she is always alone. One day, I asked her why she was always only one. She told me that her son was very busy, so he couldn’t often visit her. I felt sorry for her and I would spend some time with her when I had time. She liked to talk to me and said that I was a warm person. 

    有一位老奶奶住在我家隔壁,她總是一個(gè)人。有一天,我問她為什么總是一個(gè)人, 她告訴我她的兒子很忙, 所以,他不能經(jīng)常去看她。我為她感到難過。只要有時(shí)間我就會(huì)去看她花些時(shí)間和她在一起。她喜歡跟我說話,說我是個(gè)溫暖的人。


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