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作文 > 英語作文 > 英語日記 > 一件事_1200字


2023-12-08 來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)資源

  Last Sunday I went to the city of Wuxi.When I entered a tailor's shop,I found there were lots of people because there was a fashion show.Suddenly I noticed that a middle-aged foreigner was gesticulating to a saleswoman and pointing to a new shirt.It was clear that he wanted to buy the shirt,but he did not know the price,for he did not know Chinese.And the saleswoman did not know English.Though she wrote the price on the paper,he was still puzzled.

  When I saw this,I went up to them.I asked the saleswoman the price of the shirt first and then I said to the foreigner in English,“One hundred and forty-eight yuan.” Hearing this he said to me,“Oh,thank you!But it's too expensive.Would you please ask her if she can make it cheaper?If she can ,I will buy ten.” I told her what he said ,and she agreed.In the end the foreigner paid 1,200 yuan for ten shirts.

  Before he left,he gave me a nice pen.I thanked him and said to him ,“Welcome to our city .Good-bye!”

  上周日我去了無錫市。當我進入了一個裁縫的店,我發(fā)現(xiàn)有很多人因為有時裝表演 。突然,我發(fā)現(xiàn)一個中年外國人指手畫腳向售貨員指著一個新的襯衫。很顯然,他想購買的襯衫,但他不知道價格,因為他不知道中國。和售貨員不知道英語。雖然她寫了價格上的文件,他仍然感到困惑。

  當我看到這一點,我走到他們。我問售貨員價格的襯衫,然后我說給外國人的英文,“其中一百零四八元!甭牭竭@個,他對我說,“噢,但它過于昂貴。請你問她是否可以便宜?如果她可以,我將購買10 !拔腋嬖V她,他所說的話,她同意了。最后外國人支付一千二元10恤衫。






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